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pH METERS: Variety

$ 84.65$ 687.00 excl. GST


  • A variety of pH Meters and electrodes for measurement use including:
    Conductivity, Hand-held, Integral, Multi-parameter, Electrodes, Gel-filled, mV, Temperature, 6-Pin or 8-Pin.
  • NEVER store a pH electrode in distilled water as the distilled water absorbs the ions out of the electrode electrolyte.
  • By cleaning well after use and storing electrode in storage solution or a buffer solution of about pH4 it is possible to extend the electrodes life considerably.
  • As pH electrodes age they get sluggish in their operation and take longer to settle on a reading.
  • Given this more time is needed when calibrating and taking readings.
  • If obtaining a reading takes too long this is an indication that the electrode need as replacing.

– Many schools send pH meters to us for repair. We find that for about 95% of these, the pH electrode is at fault.
– Given care it will last for quite a while – up to 3 years – but even for the best electrode available it is considered acceptable if it functions for 1 year once activated.
– If not cleaned properly or left to dry out it may not be able to be resurrected.
– Try soaking in pH storage solution (refer to pH Storage Solution, cat.ALP 1825) for 24 hours.

* Buffer solution satchets and tablets are a great option if you do not use your pH meter regularly.
* Liquid buffer solutions start to deteriorate once the bottle is opened whereas, with tablets and satchets, you can make up a fresh batch as required.

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pH METERS: Variety of pH Meters and electrodes for measurement use including Conductivity, Hand-held, Integral, Multi-parameter, Electrodes, Gel-filled, mV, Temperature, 6-Pin or 8-Pin.
  • A variety of pH Meters and electrodes for measurement use including:
    Conductivity, Hand-held, Integral, Multi-parameter, Electrodes, Gel-filled, mV, Temperature, 6-Pin or 8-Pin.
  • NEVER store a pH electrode in distilled water as the distilled water absorbs the ions out of the electrode electrolyte.
  • By cleaning well after use and storing electrode in storage solution or a buffer solution of about pH4 it is possible to extend the electrodes life considerably.
  • As pH electrodes age they get sluggish in their operation and take longer to settle on a reading.
  • Given this more time is needed when calibrating and taking readings.
  • If obtaining a reading takes too long this is an indication that the electrode need as replacing.

– Many schools send pH meters to us for repair. We find that for about 95% of these, the pH electrode is at fault.
– Given care it will last for quite a while – up to 3 years – but even for the best electrode available it is considered acceptable if it functions for 1 year once activated.
– If not cleaned properly or left to dry out it may not be able to be resurrected.
– Try soaking in pH storage solution (refer to pH Storage Solution, cat.ALP 1825) for 24 hours.

* Buffer solution satchets and tablets are a great option if you do not use your pH meter regularly.
* Liquid buffer solutions start to deteriorate once the bottle is opened whereas, with tablets and satchets, you can make up a fresh batch as required.

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