MODEL SKULLS-SKELETONS: Variety (Animal skulls, Ape life casts, Hominids, Primates, skeletons).
- A large variety of animal and Hominid skulls, casts and skeletons for use in the science laboratory includes:
Bear, Bobcat, Bulldog, Cat, Chimpanzee, Doe deer, Frog, Gorilla, Harbor seal, King cobra, Kiwi, Lion, Orangutan, Primate, Siberian wolf, Tuatara and many more.
- Please enquire within for DISPLAY or STORAGE options including (all in mm):
- STAND: (sizes vary, enquire within),
- BAG: # EVBA-100, Size 300 x 455
- CARRY CASE: # EVS-81, Size 265 x 190 x 215
- CARRY CASE PREMIUM: # EVS-91, Size 240 x 200 x 165
- OVAL BASE RECTANGLE: (# OB-01 small 63 x 125) (# OB-02 medium 85 x 165) (# OB-03 large 125 x 225).