DIALYSIS TUBING: Visking, 1M, 5M, 30M
These Visk dialysis tubing are semi-permeable membranes made of regenerated cellulose using the viscose process. Available widths are 25mm, 34mm, 44mm, 77mm with set length variations available.
Membrane Features and Benefits:
pH chemical stability range of 5 to 9 and are stable in weak acids and bases.
Great compatibility with many salts –CaCl2, (NH4)2SO4, etc and with most aqueous organic solvents, such as alcohols and ketones.
Excellent temperature resistance. Membranes are sensitive to cellulose activity when humidified but using a preservative like benzoate will control bacterial growth.
Membranes can be sterilized by autoclave. Membranes with aqueous solutions can be frozen.
Sensitive to microbial activity when humidified, however, growth of cellulolytic micro-organisms can be prevented by keeping the membrane in water containing benzoate, benzoic acid, or other preservatives.
Very low protein absorption. < 1 ng/g of dry membrane. Contains low levels of contaminants, some membranes contain glycerin as a humectant, contaminants may be removed by boiling prior to use.