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BOTTLES [Vial Bottle]: Glass, 28ml, 60ml

$ 2.20$ 3.90 excl. GST


  • This Vial Bottle is  for ideal use in the laboratory.
BOTTLES [Vial Bottle]: Glass, 28ml, 60ml
  • This Vial Bottle is  for ideal use in the laboratory.

(Wikipedia excerpt: …”A vial (also known as a phial or flacon) is a small glass or plastic vessel or bottle, often used to store medication in the form of liquids, powders, or capsules. They can also be used as scientific sample vessels; for instance, in autosampler devices in analytical chromatography. Vial-like glass containers date back to classical antiquity; modern vials are often made of plastics such as polypropylene. There are different types of vials such as a single dose vial and multi-dose vials often used for medications. The single dose vial is only used once whereas a multi-dose vial can be used more than once. The CDC sets specific guidelines on multi-dose vials.)

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