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$ 19.50$ 222.00 excl. GST

These Benedicts Reagent and Solution grades are for use in a school laboratory for the detection of glucose

This chemical material is for ideal use in a school laboratory and NOT for any food or health related applications. Most grades provided.
(A chemical substance is material with definite chemical composition in a pure or compound form, so each one is systematically identified in relation to its particular properties and structure.) Go to main Chemical Listing.

These Benedicts Reagent Solution grades are for use in a school laboratory for the detection of glucose

This chemical material is for ideal use in a school laboratory and NOT for any food or health related applications. Most grades provided.
(A chemical substance is material with definite chemical composition in a pure or compound form, so each one is systematically identified in relation to its particular properties and structure.) Go to main Chemical Listing.


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