BALANCE [Demonstration]: Large Dial
- These demonstration spring balances has a large dial for easy reading in newtons graduations.
- It provides a versatile and inexpensive way to weigh a variety of materials in the laboratory.
(Wikipedia excerpt: …”A spring scale, spring balance or newton meter is a type of mechanical force gauge or weighing scale. It consists of a spring fixed at one end with a hook to attach an object at the other.[1] It works in accordance with Hooke’s Law, which states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance scales linearly with respect to that distance. Therefore, the scale markings on the spring scale are equally spaced.
A spring scale can be calibrated for the accurate measurement of mass in the location in which they are used, but many spring balances are marked right on their face “Not Legal for Trade” or words of similar import due to the approximate nature of the theory used to mark the scale. Also, the spring in the scale can permanently stretch with repeated use.
A spring scale will only read correctly in a frame of reference where the acceleration in the spring axis is constant (such as on earth, where the acceleration is due to gravity). This can be shown by taking a spring scale into an elevator, where the weight measured will change as the elevator moves up and down changing velocities…”)